martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Present Progressive and simple present tense (Presente progresivo y presente simple)

Use the present progressive to describe something that is happening RIGHT NOW
Example: she is speaking english right now
               Vanessa is talking to Stefania

Use the present progressive to describe something that is happening in the extend present time
Example: We are studying grammar this month
               Laura is studying in France this year

Use the simple present tense to describe what regulary, usually happens, or what always happens
Example: Eva talkS to Karl everyday
              She speakS spanish at home
              She usually wearS jeans
Adverbs of frequency: Always, usually, often, sometime, rarely/seldom, never.

Espero que hayan aprendido un poco más sobre el presnte progresivo y el presente simple, es un tema muy facil pero es importante la practica! Hasta la semana que viene bye

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